Friday, April 18, 2008


The MegaMotivator, by MegaMel, is a "Weekly Planning Card" (WPC), not the Pain In The Butt (PITB) PDA, that is emitting harmful EMF rays in your pocket and through your ear to the cerebral cortex, but a simple card, where you can jot down your ideas, and immediate schedules.

PDA's are great, but, let's face it, the evidence is in, they are dangerous. Over exposure to electro magnetic frequencies, and the high level of radiation put out by cell phones and PDA's can cause cellular breakdown, and malignant tumors in the brain. Check the EMF link above, and this link, for more info.

Although the above is true, we also are dependent, on these PDA's, but we can cut down on our exposure, by using the very practical MegaMotivator WPC.

You can start now, by finding an index card, folding it, filling out the days, and To Do's, similar to our card. Try it out!

When you're making a run to Home Depot, the store, or on a hike or working in the yard; do you really need the bulky PDA, wearing you down? Most people with PDA's end up having piles of scrap paper, napkins, and lost ideas because they don't put everything in their PDA.

This is where the MegaMotivator Weekly Planning Card comes in.

It's simple, with your order, you will receive over a year's supply of cards, in a deluxe box. Simply pull out a card from the back, and jot down the ideas, immediate scheduled events, etc. in the clearly marked categories.

The full color graphics and motivational sayings make the card fun and exciting.

At the end of the week, place the card in the front of the box. You now have a running diary of your year, to back up the PDA, and to carry with you when you need a break from the radiation, bulk, and energy drainer that PDA's can be.

We've also included a Long Term Goal list, that sits in front of the box, for writing down goals for the year.

Also great for those:
*Without PDA's, who want to get on more of a schedule
*Those who work with their hands, or in dusty environments
*Adventurers and Outdoor people
*Idea men and women

A great bargain!